Only this premium vodka undergoes filtering by pearls. Pearls - the only jewelry stone which does not require any facet. Likewise “Glubina” absorbs in itself the ideality of pearls. The magnificent, stylish design gives the special force and uniqueness to this product. This vodka has an exclusively soft taste which is reached due to the use of unique production technologies. Vodka “Glubina” (white pearls filtering) is awarded a silver medal in the nomination "Bonus Segment" in the International Tasting Contest "The Best Vodka". Composition: rectified drinking water, rectified ethyl alcohol “Lux” from food raw materials
Почетный диплом и золотая медаль за превосходное качество водки "Глубина" в 17-м дегустационном конкурсе на выставке ПРОДЭКСПО /г.Москва, 2015г.